Type Script Service Generator

Type Script Service Generator

Compile time library to auto-generate TypeScript models and RPC style services for Spring MVC controllers and interfaces for all the return and parameter types to be used in Angular client side projects.

By defaultThe the library uses Angular HttpClient service to handle the networking layer requiring zero initial special efforts for configuration of client-server interaction.

Key Features

The library supports advanced features of Java type system and Spring Framework:

  • Out of the box Spring MVC annotation support
  • Integrated Project Lombok support for property detection
  • Spring Meta annotation processing - create your own annotations by combining the existing ones.
  • @PathVariable support for constructing request urls
  • Full set of features for return and parameter types:
    • Inheritance - supertypes and interfaces are mirrored as TypeScript interfaces
    • Generics - generic type information is mirrored into TypeScript interfaces
    • Enums - represented as named enums in TypeScript
    • Inner classes/enums/interfaces - are captured as prefixed classes
    • Java 8 Time classes support
    • Enums in map keys
    • Flexible filtering for input types to prevent “type number bomb”
    • Configurable replacement for the default HttpClient based network layer implementation with custom client code

Design philosophy

  1. Minimal upfront config - works out of the box
  2. Convention over configuration
  3. Customization points for advanced use cases
  4. Generate proper TypeScript semantics where they differ from Java

Getting started

The library utilizes Java Annotation Processing facilities (JSR-269)
to process the source code at compile time and generate corresponding TypeScript representations.

This approach ensures support by the majority of the standard Java tools and IDEs, and integrates seamlessly with popular CI servers and build tools, as it relies on javac for execution and configuration.

Specific setup steps will depend on the build tools used, but simply placing the jar on the class path during compilation should be sufficient in the default environment.

The recommended way to integrate the library into the project is to ase APT plugin for the popular build tools.

Gradle Example

plugins {
  id "net.ltgt.apt" version "0.17"

//TypeScript endpoint Processing
compileOnly group: "io.github.tri-omega", name: "typescript-service-generator", version: "0.2.4"
annotationProcessor group: "io.github.tri-omega", name: "typescript-service-generator", version: "0.2.4"

Source code

The minimal required configuration is to mark a controller with the annotation @TypeScriptEndpoint. This will generate corresponding Angular service class for this controller and type interfaces for any return or parameter types with a default module definition

@TypeScriptEndpoint //Enables the generation of the TypeScript service for this controller
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, path = "/api/")
public class SimpleDtoController {
   public SimpleDto getSimpleDto() {
       return new SimpleDto();

Source code for SimpleDto.java

As a result this will generate the following TypeScript sources:

export class SimpleDtoController {

    constructor(private httpService:ServiceRequestManager) { }
    defaultRequestMapping:HttpRequestMapping = {urlTemplate: '/api/', method: RequestMethod.GET};
    public getSimpleDto(): Observable<SimpleDto> {
        const mapping:HttpRequestMapping = {urlTemplate: 'get', method: RequestMethod.GET};
        const params: MethodParamMapping[] = [];
        return this.httpService.execute(this.defaultRequestMapping, mapping, params);
export interface SimpleDto {
	field1: string;
	field2: number;
	customName: number;

Output configuration

The library is configured by placing a tsg-config.properties file on the with the source code:



In this example the properties specify that:

  1. TypeScript output should be emitted into the folder /build/generated/sources/annotationProcessor/java/main/angular-ui/src/service-api
  2. package org.omega.typescript.processor.test should be shortened to api/service. Example: class name org.omega.typescript.processor.test.dto.SimpleDto will be emitted as api/service/dto/SimpleDto.generated.ts
  3. You can use the following Gradle Tasks to copy the files into Angular Code: build.gradle: ```groovy clean.doFirst { delete (fileTree(“${project.projectDir}/angular-ui/src/service-api/”) { include “*/.generated.ts” include “service-api.module.ts” }) }

compileJava.doLast { copy { from “${projectDir}/build/generated/sources/annotationProcessor/java/main/angular-ui/src/service-api” into “${projectDir}/angular-ui/src/service-api” } } ```

Note: Any unknown property is treated as a package override.

### Advanced Configuration properties

A full list of configuration properties:

Property Description Default
tsg.output-folder base folder to emit TypeScript to tsg-gen/
tsg.default-module-name name for the default module api
tsg.http-service-class Class name for the network layer service ServiceRequestManager
tsg.http-service-include Import path for the network layer service tsg-std/ServiceRequestManager
tsg.service-includes Additional imports for service classes. Allows to customize the library type imports Import {Injectable} from ‘@angular/core’; import {Observable} from ‘rxjs’;
tsg.std-api-file-name File name to emit support library classes to tsg-std/api.ts
tsg.indent.width Number of spaces to indent generated code blocks 2
tsg.request-manager-file-name File name to emit the standard ServiceRequestManager service tsg-std/ServiceRequestManager.ts
tsg.enable-java-time-integration Enable or disable special type overrides for Java 8 Time classes true
tsg.java-time.zoned-date-time-type java.time.ZonedDateTime TypeScript alias number
tsg.java-time.local-date-time-type java.time.LocalDateTime TypeScript alias string
tsg.java-time.time-type java.time.LocalTime TypeScript alias string
tsg.java-time.date-type LocalDate TypeScript alias string
tsg.exclude-classes-regex.{uniqueId} A set of regex expressions to exclude classes by name. There can be any number of exclusions, but configuration with same uniqueId overrides defaults (can be used to change defaults). tsg.exclude-classes-regex.io=java\.io\..+

Contacts & Licensing

Author: William Frank

Lincense: MIT License

For questions and suggestiosn please contact at info@williamfrank.net